Here at Demandsage, we’re passionate about turning data into insights that businesses can use to grow. We understand that the digital world is always changing, so we work hard to keep up with the latest trends and advancements. By using the power of data, we help businesses make informed decisions that can lead to long-term growth. Our state-of-the-art resources enable our clients to get the most out of their data, spot new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. We’re dedicated to providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each of our clients, no matter how big or complex their business may be.

Our Story

Knowledge sees no boundaries. Coming from a small town, our team came together with one common belief: helping people. Despite the restrictions and stereotypes, the DemandSage team will always stick to our core values and principles. With various experiences and skills combined together, we aim to become a reliable source that you can blindly count on whenever you need.


We’re here to turn raw information into your business’s greatest asset, propelling you forward with insights that matter.


We aspire to be the trusted partner that empowers businesses worldwide to not only adapt to change but to thrive in it.

The faces behind the website

After thorough research and experience of over three years, we learned that the key to success lies in simplifying the buying or recommending process for readers. This approach enables affiliates to thrive.

So, we set out to find a simpler, more user-friendly solution. Unfortunately, most existing options were overly complicated, filled with features we didn’t need and had cluttered interfaces.

That’s when we decided to build SchemaNinja. With our combined efforts, Jitendra and I worked hard to create a streamlined tool. It seamlessly integrates with WordPress-based sites and is user-friendly for both you and your affiliates.

Better businesses, starts with Better Data​








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Data-Driven Solution For Business GrowthData-Driven Solution For Business GrowthData-Driven Solution For Business Growth



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