Welcome to my Market Hero Review, where I’ll talk about what this software is all about and how it helps your online business.

Market Hero Review

But, let’s start with my journey and how I discovered Market Hero.

Hi, I’m Alisia. I have worked as a marketing professional for more than 10 years owing to that regular 9 to 5 job.

Some people dream of having a steady job with a reliable paycheck, but I felt like I was missing out on life.

I would go to work, do the same tasks every day, come home, cook dinner quickly, and hardly have any time for myself. Then, the same routine would repeat.

I wanted to break free from the boring job. I wanted the freedom to go on vacations whenever and for as long as I wanted.

Then, about four years ago, I found a program that taught me how to make money online by helping local businesses in the United States.

I built a website that brings in about $2,000 every month, and the best part is that I haven’t worked on it for over two years. That’s a nice $24,000 each year, all without much effort.

During my blogging journey, the major credit goes to my email marketing campaigns. 

I’m sure you don’t need to discuss how important email marketing is. You probably already know! Most of us understand that having more emails means we can make more sales.

In this Alex Becker Market Hero Review, I will share my experience with the tool along with main features, benefits and pricing options available.


Market Hero Review: Who is Alex Becker?

Alex Becker is an entrepreneur with a background spanning venture capitalism, entrepreneurship, writing, and public speaking. He’s notably successful, earning more monthly than many of us do in a year.

Alex Becker- MarketHero Review

His primary claim to fame is as an entrepreneur and the creator of Markethero, a platform often associated with Shopify training and courses. Becker initially designed Markethero for his use and achieved impressive results, growing his first firm to over $5 million in annual revenue.

He identified a gap in email marketing tools and the need for a more streamlined approach to Internet marketing. Markethero was born out of this realization, offering a comprehensive solution.

Like most online and e-commerce businesses, Becker understands the significance of growth and advocates for the power of email marketing and social media marketing in achieving it. Moreover, he stresses the importance of tracking ROI to evaluate campaign effectiveness.


What is Market Hero?

Market Hero is a digital marketing tool that does more than automate things. It helps you manage social media and emails and provides detailed sales info.

Market Hero Sales funnel tool

Engagement is super important for success online, and Market Hero knows that. You probably spend a lot of time on social media, even when you don’t feel like it, because you don’t want to miss out on potential sales.

That’s where Market Hero comes in handy. It’s all about making money and knowing what works in sales and advertising.

This email autoresponder tool makes everything easy and saves you from needing other software for metrics like tracking sales, creating sales funnels, and advertising on Facebook. It even lets you set up automatic replies for Facebook Messenger.

Market Hero’s goal is to make things simple. It stands out because it simplifies email automation, which is usually quite complicated on other platforms.

In a nutshell, Market Hero is a system that mixes email marketing with easy-to-understand info about how much money you’re making, in-depth analysis, and automation. It keeps things simple while offering all these features.

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Who should use Market Hero? 

Market Hero is an amazing email automation tool for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and eCommerce businesses.

It helps create a contact list for targeted email campaigns, expand your list of potential customers, automate campaigns to convert leads into buyers, and monitor revenue over time.

If you’re new to marketing and know it’s important to collect emails and market to them over time, Market Hero is great. It has good reports to track your profits and shows you how much each lead is worth.

Also, if you’re new to email marketing, you get access to the 8X Academy as a Market Hero member. It teaches you how to make money with Market Hero in many ways. It’s not just an email tool; it comes with a long training course that shows you how to get leads, some of which are free.

Market Hero Review: Features 

As you become familiar with the features of Markethero, you’ll know how valuable it can be for your company. You’ll gain the ability to effectively assess, manage, and understand your leads, which is essential for a successful business.

Market Hero metrics

This approach goes beyond simply collecting email addresses and names; it helps you build and maintain a comprehensive customer list.

Marketing Automation

One of the essential features of email marketing software is marketing automation.

With Market Hero’s marketing automation software, you can set up a series of actions that happen automatically. It’s like setting up a domino rally, where one thing leads to another without you pushing each domino.

Market Hero review- email automation

Here’s how it works:


Lead Management

The word “leads” isn’t the same in every marketing tool. Different software we’ve looked at use at different times during the conversion process.

For example, CRM tools often start with contacts at the top of the funnel, and these contacts become leads as they move through the funnel.

But Market Hero does things differently. They treat contacts, subscribers, and leads as the same thing. This means their lead management is simple.

When you start with Market Hero, you can add your leads’ details individually or import them all at once using a CSV file.

You should also consider adding tags to each lead. These tags help you organize and personalize your email campaigns.

Market Hero keeps it simple, maybe a little too simple. It could have more fields for each contact.

Market Hero offers a filtering tool even with limited lead data. If you have more leads, you can easily find specific ones by searching using criteria like status, tags, email addresses, and names.


Customer Lifetime Value

Every customer I deal with is different. That’s where Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) comes into play. It’s like my weapon to determine who’s super important for my business.

Here’s the deal: LTV calculates how much money a customer will likely spend as my customer throughout their entire time.

Customer LTV Market Hero

Why does this matter?

Well, it tells me how much I should invest in keeping them happy.

If I’ve got some customers who are big spenders and keep coming back for more, I want to make sure they stay satisfied. But, if I see that a customer might only make a small purchase and never return, I might not want to spend a ton trying to get them in the first place.

So, Customer LTV helps me make savvy decisions about how much I should spend to snag new customers. It’s like having a treasure map. It shows me which customers are like hidden gems and which might not be worth the effort.

This way, I can put my time and money where it matters.

Customer Segmentation

Market Hero’s Customer Segmentation feature helps you better organize and understand your customers, making your marketing efforts more effective.

Market Hero uses the metrics like customer behavior, demographics, and purchase history. It then groups similar customers. For example, you can create a group of people who always buy sneakers and another group who prefer sandals.

This helps you send targeted messages to each group.

Customer segmentation allows you to connect with them more effectively. You can tailor your offers to suit them when you know their preferences and needs. This personal touch means you’re more likely to send emails to an audience interested in your business rather than generic emails.

Automation Workflows

Market Hero’s autoresponder is controlled from the “Streams” section in the menu bar. When you first use it, you’ll notice a user-friendly visual workflow builder.

Market Hero Review- Workflow automation

Here, you can create automation workflows that define your autoresponder email sequences and who receives them and manages actions and delays. The main goal is to create a visual representation of your autoresponder system, connecting all the elements with graphics.

Trigger sequences and tags are essential because they form the foundation of your automation process.

Pay attention to product tags in particular. Market Hero uses them to analyze the average lead value, helping you determine how much you can spend per lead while maintaining your profits.

In short, a well-designed Market Hero workflow gives you real-time insights into the cost of each activity. This allows you to assess your return on investment (ROI) in advance and make informed decisions about engaging and converting leads.

My personal take is that Market Hero’s workflow management is simpler than other email marketing tools. When you combine this simplicity with its support for lead values and ROI variables, you have an exceptional workflow tool.

Tracking and Reporting

Market Hero has invested a lot into tracking and understanding data. This helps you see important information for email marketing and extra details for your business decisions.

Market Hero Review- Tracking and analytics

To access these reports, start on the main dashboard after logging in. You can quickly see stats about your emails, like how many were sent, who clicked on them, any complaints, people who unsubscribed, and how many times emails were opened or links were clicked.

You can also see the daily reports on the right side of the dashboard. You can also look at insights from previous days.

For more in-depth reports, go to the “Finance” option in the menu. This goes beyond just marketing and gives you insights into your product sales.

But that’s not all! You can also switch between Facebook and email data to compare how products are doing over different time period. This helps you evaluate and make decisions about your products.


Market Hero Review: User Interface

Market Hero isn’t just for the email marketing; it goes further to help you grow your business. This platform further enhances its functionality with extensive funnel creation capabilities and A/B testing.

When you log into Market Hero’s dashboard, you’ll notice it’s easy to use.

It has a simple layout and clear features, making it accessible even if you’re not experienced in marketing. You can organize leads, customize emails, create automation, and keep track of your revenue without a steep learning curve.

Market Hero interface

If you want to build your contact list, Market Hero provides customizable sign-up forms. As your list grows, you can organize leads and target specific groups using sequence builders. You can also add action buttons to your emails.

To make your emails look great, Market Hero has an email builder with templates and an easy visual design process. You can customize various elements to create attractive layouts.

Setting up automation might initially seem a bit complex, but it becomes easier with time. Market Hero offers a drag-and-drop function to visually design your automation process.


Market Hero Pricing

Market Hero doesn’t hold back on its features, no matter your chosen pricing plan. You’ll get various features in the basic pricing:

Market Hero’s pricing depends on the number of leads you have, which goes up as you collect more leads. There are nine different pricing tiers available.

Market Hero Pricing plans

You can test the software for free for 14 days, but there will be some restrictions. These limitations will be removed after the trial period. The good part is that you’ll have access to the 8X academy during the trial and after.

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Market Hero Customer Support

Market Hero stands out with its exceptional live chat feature.

Unlike many other customer service live support with limited operating hours, Market Hero’s live chat is available 24/7, catering to night owls and those with varying schedules.

It serves as an invaluable resource for users, answering frequently asked questions. Moreover, if you can’t find the information in the chat, you can always rely on their 24/7 support.

Plus, their extensive knowledgebase gives every detail about the use of the product and how Market Hero works.

Market hero knowledge support

Market Hero also maintains a Facebook group called the 8X Academy. However, it appears that the group doesn’t witness much activity.

Likely, most questions and inquiries are efficiently addressed through their dedicated support system and comprehensive knowledge base, making it easy for users to access the assistance they require.

Market Hero 8x Academy

Market Hero offers more than just an autoresponder – it also provides valuable free training as part of its package. This approach, led by Alex Becker, aims to support your success by offering training at no additional cost, hoping you’ll find the software indispensable.

This seems like a fair arrangement and a win-win situation.

Market Hero 8x academy review

Even if you choose the most affordable subscription at $19 per month, you gain access to the Market Hero 8X Academy, which covers various modules, including:

There are other modules available, such as Finding Viral Posts for Generating Traffic, Capturing Traffic from Posts, and Effective Posting Strategies for Lead Generation.

Having personally completed the training, I can attest to its value. It provides a wide range of advertising methods, encompassing free and paid approaches, offering numerous options to explore. I’ve experimented with some of these techniques and plan to continue with others.

While it’s quite comprehensive, if you diligently follow the guidance, you could turn this into a full-time business opportunity.

There are various social proof that give the live testament of the courses:

Market Hero customer review


Market Hero Pros and Cons




Any Good Market Hero Alternatives?

I use other email automation software for my email campaigns because I am never satisfied with a single functionality.

I use GetResponse and MailChimp for my email campaigns apart from Market Hero.

MailChimp is a popular email autoresponder tool for sending bulk emails. Most solopreneurs and entrepreneurs use it because they have a free plan. But there are some limits to the free plan. Sometimes, the emails you send can end up in the “Spam” folder unless people tell their email system that your emails are okay.

MailChimp Black Friday deal

If you want to do more with your emails, like sending them automatically, you have to pay for one of their plans.

Here are some standout features of Mailchimp which make it better than Market Hero:

Also Read: MailChimp Alternatives


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Which tools do Market Hero integrates? ” answer-0=”Market Hero integrates with various automation, social media and eCommerce tools including Zapier, Shopify, SamCart, ClickFunnels, Demio, PaykickStart and LeadPages. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How much does Market Hero cost?” answer-1=”Market Hero costs $19/month for 1,000 leads. The subscription works on pay per leads. As the number of leads increases, pricing goes up. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Is Market Hero a scam? ” answer-2=”Market Hero is a trustworthy business. When you tap into its full potential, you can boost your earnings significantly. This platform allows you to identify potential customers and filter out those who are unlikely to make a purchase, whether you’re communicating through Shopify, Facebook, or email. This alone cuts down your advertising expenses and boosts your bottom line. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Should you go with Market Hero?

Market Hero doesn’t disappoint when offering complete email automation capabilities and valuable insights into your leads.

It’s just what you need to effortlessly manage automated marketing campaigns while keeping a close watch on your return on investment. As a bonus, you even have the option to use Facebook Messenger to boost engagement with your leads.

All things considered, Market Hero is a straightforward and revenue-focused autoresponder that should be relatively easy for business owners to grasp and put into action.

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