If you want to get into a competitive graduate school program, you should aim to score in the top 40% or 30% of test-takers. To achieve these scores, private tutoring is probably the best way to prepare.

But how do you pick the right tutoring service?

In this guide, I have reviewed all the BEST GRE tutors and assessed their services based on cost, tutor quality, score guarantees, and whether they include courses with online tutoring.

Best GRE Tutors of [Year]

In my guide, I will share the best GRE tutors for students to learn all the nitty-gritty of online GRE courses.

Manhattan Prep GRE tutors

For three reasons, Manhattan Prep ranks top in my list of the best GRE tutoring services. First, their tutors are exceptionally qualified, scoring in the top 1% of GRE test-takers. This means they have a strong grasp of both the content and strategies needed for the GRE.

GRE Manhattan Review

Second, Manhattan Prep’s tutoring package includes full access to their highly-rated GRE preparation course. This adds extra value to their tutoring service.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, Manhattan Prep’s tutors excel in communication. They have a knack for explaining complex concepts clearly and understandably. Effective communication is crucial in learning, and Manhattan Prep’s tutors are excellent at it.

In addition to the quality of their tutors, Manhattan Prep’s online tutoring platform is user-friendly and seamless. They conduct tutoring sessions via Zoom, providing a shared digital whiteboard for note-taking and collaboration.

This platform enhances the learning experience, making it even more valuable for students.

This program offers abundant GRE study materials and resources, making it a comprehensive package. It includes over 65 on-demand video lessons, over 100,000 GRE practice problems, six full-length practice tests, four physical prep books, and much more.

Manhattan vs Magoosh for GRE

One notable benefit is that you’ll regularly review your practice test results with your private GRE tutor. All these resources are provided at no extra cost, typically valued at around $500. This means you won’t need additional money on a prep course, saving you some cash.

However, it’s important to mention that the downside of Manhattan Prep’s tutoring service is its price. The cost of their tutoring packages ranges from approximately $225 to $245 per hour when broken down.

Also Read: Magoosh vs Manhattan GRE Prep Course

Kaplan GRE Tutors

Next on my list is Kaplan, which can be considered the second-best option after Manhattan Prep.

Kaplan GRE tutoring

Kaplan offers tutoring packages quite similar to Manhattan Prep’s, with slightly different ratings but with more competitive pricing.

Kaplan provides a variety of tutoring packages, ranging from pay-as-you-go hourly sessions to 40-hour bundles. The prices for these packages vary widely, starting as low as $117 per hour and going up to $230 per hour.

If you choose one of the larger bundles with a lower hourly rate, Kaplan’s prices are more budget-friendly than Manhattan Prep.

Kaplan GRE Usern interface

While Kaplan’s GRE tutors are more affordable, they are still highly qualified. However, some students may lack the same personal connection with students as Manhattan Prep tutors.

Kaplan’s tutoring approach may feel more corporate and less intimate.

Like Manhattan Prep, Kaplan includes their self-paced GRE prep course with their tutoring bundles, adding significant value. The quality of Kaplan’s course is on par with Manhattan Prep’s, and Kaplan’s package is valued at approximately $450.

Princeton Review

Taking the third spot on my list is Princeton Review, and what sets them apart is their strong focus on in-person tutoring.

the princeton vs kaplan

In the post-Covid era, many GRE tutors and companies have shifted to online tutoring, but not everyone thrives in a virtual learning environment.

Some students benefit more from face-to-face interaction and learn better when they can work through problems with their tutor beside them. There’s a unique quality to in-person learning that can’t always be replicated over Zoom.

Princeton Review is a top choice if you’re one of these learners seeking a more traditional, in-person tutoring experience.

Princeton Review offers a 100% higher score guarantee. With their deluxe tutoring package, they promise you’ll score at least 165 on the GRE’s quantitative and verbal reasoning sections, or they’ll refund your money.

The princeton vs kaplan review

This is a substantial guarantee, especially if you aim for a top-tier program. It’s worth mentioning that this guarantee is specifically for Princeton Review’s premium 32-hour package, which comes at a higher cost, close to $5,000.

There may also be some fine print to consider, but it’s a valuable promise nonetheless.

Magoosh GRE tutors

Magoosh offers a unique approach to GRE tutoring that differs from most other companies.

Magoosh vs Kaplan GRE

Instead of traditional face-to-face tutoring sessions, whether online or in-person, Magoosh provides students with access to GRE tutors through email. This means there are no set meeting times or one-on-one Zoom sessions.

Students are encouraged to use Magoosh’s self-paced GRE study materials and can email the company’s expert tutors whenever they encounter difficulties, have questions or need general guidance.

There are no restrictions on the number of emails you can send so students can send anywhere from 5 to 50 emails per day based on their needs.

Magoosh score predictor

However, it’s important to note that responses from Magoosh tutors may not be immediate, and there is no live, face-to-face interaction. Nevertheless, this GRE prep package is highly affordable, costing less than $200.

Students gain access to Magoosh’s other GRE study materials, including video lessons, practice tests, and study schedules. This makes Magoosh an attractive option for those seeking a more budget-friendly GRE preparation solution.

Wyzant GRE

The fifth GRE tutoring service on my list is Wyzant, mainly due to its budget-friendly cost. Wyzant operates as a platform connecting students with a wide range of independent GRE tutors who set their own rates.

Wyzant GRE- best GRE tutors

However, in my experience, these broad-based tutoring directories like Wyzant can be somewhat hit or miss compared to tutors from specialized test prep companies like Magoosh and Princeton Review.

One notable difference is that Wyzant’s instructors don’t necessarily follow a specific teaching framework. Instead, each individual tutor has their own teaching methods and strategies to help students.

While you might be able to find an excellent GRE tutor on Wyzant at a significantly lower cost than what some test prep companies charge, there’s also a chance of investing time and money in an ineffective tutor who teaches strategies that don’t work. It’s a bit of a gamble. So, if you decide to go this route, it’s crucial to pay attention to the ratings and reviews from other students to make an informed choice.

Among all the broad-based tutoring services, Wyzant is one of my top picks for GRE preparation. Firstly, they offer very competitive hourly rates, sometimes as low as $20 per hour, although this is not the standard rate.

Secondly, I appreciate that Wyzant vets their tutors, ensuring they have the necessary qualifications and have passed background checks.

Wyzant provides in-person instruction if you prefer to work with a nearby tutor. This flexibility adds to the appeal of Wyzant’s services.


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How much does a GRE tutor cost?” answer-0=”The cost of GRE tutoring varies significantly, ranging from as low as $20 per hour at the budget end, to $250 or more per hour for premium services. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Will a GRE tutor help raise my score?” answer-1=”Yes. On average, students can typically expect to increase their scores by anywhere from 3 to 10 points when they work closely with a GRE expert” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Who are the best GRE tutors?” answer-2=”The best GRE tutors don’t need to be near you. They can be anywhere online. My pick for best GRE tutors will come from Magoosh and Kaplan. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]


In conclusion, my list of the best GRE tutoring services covers a range of options to suit different preferences and budgets.

Manhattan Prep stands out for its top-tier tutors and comprehensive course materials. Kaplan offers a solid alternative with competitive pricing. Princeton Review specializes in in-person tutoring and offers a strong score guarantee.

Magoosh provides an affordable, email-based approach. Wyzant offers budget-friendly options with independently vetted tutors.

Consider your learning style, goals, and budget when choosing the best GRE tutor.

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